
Sean UllyattIT Director/Manager, Web Application Developer, Database Administrator, and Project Manager

Specialties: Department management, budgeting and contracts, backend web development, database design, server virtualization, object-oriented programming, network design

Applications/Languages: Access, Apache Web Server, Aptana, AutoCAD, Avid Video Editing, Bash Shell, CSS, Dreamweaver, Drupal, Eclipse, Exchange Server, Excel, Fireworks, Fishbowl, GIMP, Git/GitHub, HTML 5, Internet Information Server (IIS), Inkscape, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, LAMP, MySQL, OneNote, OpenOffice, Outlook, Parallels, PEAR, PhotoShop, PHP, Pinnacle Studio, PostgreSQL, Premiere, Primavera, Project, Python, Safari, Samanage, SOAP, SQL Server, SSH, Subversion (SVN), TestTrack, UltraEdit, Visio, Visual Basic, Visual SourceSafe (VSS), Visual Studio, Word, WordPress, XAMPP, XHTML, XPlanner, XML, Zend Studio and many other scripting, email, video, graphics, network, compression, backup, anti-virus, security, and utility programs.

Operating Systems: Apple Macintosh OS X, Debian Linux, Fedora Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server (2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000), Windows NT 4.0 Server and Workstation, Windows NT 3.51 Server, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups, Windows 3.1, MS-DOS.

Networking: Installed and maintained networks including 802.11 ac/g/b/n wireless, T1, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and DSL. Integrated Linux, Macintosh, and Windows networks.

Certifications: CompTIA: Security+ ce, VMware: VSP-IV 5, VSP 5, VTSP 5, Brocade: BCNE

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